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RCC BPO Family

Improving the work environment by effectively dealing with stress

Anyone in the call center industry can tell you that the stress on the floor is not for everyone. Dealing with unsatisfied and often angry customers is not an easy task. It is naive to think that these situations can be avoided and that stress can be eliminated entirely. First, we have to understand the perspective of our customers who are already calling because they are trying to fix an issue, and they often have to wait a couple of minutes before they actually get through with the agent. So, in other words, our customers become irritated with all the waiting and often get impatient when the agent is trying to comply with protocols to get all the necessary information to get their issue fixed.

We often overlook how the stress on the floor might affect the engagement and commitment of agents. Therefore, if you want to solve why your agents call for sick leave, leaving you with vacancies that need to be filled and longer waiting times to answer the call, then addressing the cause of stress seems to be the obvious starting point.

Of course, the call center can be an excellent place to work. But it can also become a stressful environment. The good news is that many of the factors that can affect your agents’ stress are, at least to some extent, under your control.

So, what can you do to reduce the stress on your consultants and help them deal with the unavoidable pressures? There are multiple options, many of which do not require a large amount of money to implement, all of which will have a broader positive impact on your business and the services you provide to your customers.

The first and most important thing is to make sure that your agents receive appropriate training on a regular basis so that they are fully prepared for the job. Don’t expect them to figure out a new procedure or IT system long the way. If they are going to take on a new role and deal with different customers or products, make sure they have received professional training for their new responsibilities.

A well-trained agent will be confident and relaxed, provide better services and not quickly feel stressed.

Likewise, please make sure your consultant has the equipment suitable for the job. If they spend half of their time fighting equipment that is not suitable for the purpose, they may already feel pressure before talking to the next customer.

Make sure they are also very comfortable-no one wants to spend 7 hours in a chair every day that gives them back pain, anyone will feel the stress after a long workday!

The next important thing is to make the agent feel appreciated. It is not enough to rate your agent highly-you have to tell them and show them that you are doing this.

Show your consultants regularly and tell you that you value them and their work, and if possible, develop a recognition and reward plan for consultants who provide excellent services.

A few words of personal encouragement to individuals and small groups can also work miracles-most people just like to know that what they do is recognized and valued.

These tips on handling stress might now seem significant, but they can really make an impact and reduce the amount of stress experienced by the agent.

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